Data File No.Y1H

I looked for a laptop for my father, he wanted a standard laptop, but he wanted me to be able to use the laptop too, I looked for a fairly expensive price, but when I told him he said "Can you make money with that high-spec laptop?"

It felt quiet and lonely because of my father's question, should I return the capital and even work to make ends meet? Is this normal for a teenage child? I don't understand why there is only money, I see other families having fun with holidays and picnics.
I've never been invited to a picnic other than joining our extended family picnic, and even then it wasn't my father who paid for it, but our rich grandmother. What can money do to keep my family happy? Why does everything look gloomy and scary?

Finally I explained the specifications and uses, but I didn't give an answer on how I could return the capital, and my father insisted on how to get the capital back. After arguing for a long time, my father got angry, I didn't know what to do to return the capital.
Then my father said in annoyance, "Okay, just buy the most expensive one of the choices" I immediately understood, he was angry and didn't care anymore, I could see where I was holding the new laptop while my father glanced at me like a slave who couldn't earn money. Yeap, I'm useless.

After saying so my father sat down on the chair, I also sat down not long after that. I asked questions that I shouldn't have asked, with courage that came from nowhere I asked, "How much is my father's income and is my father's income going up or down" then he answered as if he was the most powerful.
I just found out then and there that my dad makes a lot of money a month, but I remembered something, "How much does dad's vapor cost a week" I think... it takes up at least 10% of his income every month. Then I asked again, "Why do you see this house like a factory warehouse but you still don't care about this?" My father casually answered, "Father is always wrong, he wants to help the wrong way, he wants to clean up the wrong thing, so what should you do?" That's a very, very stupid answer and not like a father. Why do I have to have a father like this? Is this fate?

Then I asked again, "Do you remember? There are supposed to be two lamps in this room, but one is broken and it's been 14 years since Dad hasn't repaired it even though he's asked many times." Dad's answer again looked clearly lazy. "Dad actually wanted to repair it, but it wasn't the lights that were broken, so dad had to replace the cables on the roof ceiling and that was a hassle. Dad had actually planned to renovate this house, but the reality was that he always ran out of funds for something else."
I laughed a little and was sad, how could the money run out? To buy us food? To buy dad's vapor? My father said that 8 years ago, and the funds aren't there yet? Tell me this is a joke.

I asked again, "Does dad know that my sister is sick?" he answered so precisely that it penetrated my heart, "Yes... since yesterday your sister has been a little weak and always sleeps." FOOL! I said to myself, why is that all he knows... have we been considered family all this time or not? Why doesn't my father know that my sister has a lung disease that makes her short of breath?
Is this father? Is father a father who people say is the head of the family? Sad to hear, my father smoked 13 years ago next to my 2 month old brother with my father's workers. Some time later my little brother got sick with lungs and it immediately got worse, my father said to my mother, "Hmmm... just take him to the doctor, right?"
I immediately laughed when I heard my mother's story, my father was special, and currently my sister is still sick with the same disease, just not as bad as before.